Hindered by lingering snow and no crampons
Four Mile Trail
Yosemite Valley
Yesterday, Turkey Tetrazzini Pete and I found ourselves hiking the Four Mile Trail, the path which ascends from Yosemite Valley to Glacier Point. The trail is actually 4.6 miles and not 4 miles as its name implies, but this is a well-kept National Park Service Secret, like the fact that Smokey the Bear is not a real bear, but just some guy in a cheap bear outfit.
I highly recommend the Yosemite day trip. Like a run at dusk in mid-October, it is a balm for all that ails you and fresh air for a deflated perspective. It infuses you with creative prowess. Years ago, for example, I spent the day hiking to the top of Yosemite Falls. In close proximity to the thundering cataract, I sat on a spray-covered rock, whipped out my notebook and promptly wrote Hamlet. All in one sitting! Afterwards I descended while whistling Flight of the Bumblebee and speaking to Turkey Tetrazzini Pete in iambic pentameter. He was not amused. He also reminded me that there was no need to write Hamlet, as it had already been written. "That it should come to this!" he said.
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