Friday, October 9, 2009

Some Assembly Required

Hannegan Peak
North Cascades National Park

In this picture my brother, Joe, is looking at a map in order to identify the peaks. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the summit of this sublime peak in the heart of the Cascades, we realized we did not have the correct map. Actually, we didn't have any map. We did, however, have the assembly instructions for the futon Joe had purchased several years ago at Ikea. Somehow those instructions had found their way into Joe's backpacking equipment, and he had mistakenly carried them along on this trip. So there stands Joe, examining assembly instructions for his already-assembled futon back home as the scenery unfolds before him. The nearby cairn* stands as a memorial to Joe's befuddlement.

*cairn 1) n. A mound of stones erected as a memorial or marker. [Middle English carne , from Scottish Gaelic carn , from Old Irish.] cairned cairned. 2) n. Astroturf


  1. Futon instructions? You're kidding, right?

  2. Oops! You're right. It was bookshelf instructions!
